Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) and Philosophers for Sustainability (PfS) are collaborating to begin the MAP Climate Ambassadors Initiative. The goal of the MAP Climate Ambassadors is to effect positive change toward environmental sustainability within and beyond academic philosophy by forming a network of MAP organizers dedicated to this goal. Each MAP chapter will be encouraged to have at least one Climate Ambassador. The ambassadors will have the opportunity to collaborate and to attend and organize events focused on strategies for advocating for sustainability. They will be expected to share what they have learned with their own MAP chapters and department. For example, ambassadors might attend one of the Philosophers for Sustainability virtual workshops on the APA Good Practices Guide as it relates to sustainability. Following the event, ambassadors could put on similar workshops on their campus and/or region. There are many ways to participate. We expect that this will be a dynamic group that has a significant impact on the field of philosophy.
Expectations of MAP Climate Ambassadors:
- Each semester, attend a one-hour virtual meeting for all MAP Climate Ambassadors
- Each academic year, play a lead or co-lead role in at least one local, regional, national, or international event or project related to philosophy and climate change. This event must include some component related to responding to climate change in practice (as opposed to, for example, an environmental ethics reading group). Examples include, but are not limited to:
• Holding a Workshop on Sustainable Practices in Philosophy within a department, graduate student workshop series, faculty meeting, or conference
• Incorporating an event on climate action into a MAP conference or initiative
• Writing or editing a blog series on how philosophers can usefully respond to climate change
• Liaising with the APA Graduate Student Council or other committee to advocate for sustainable practices that also bring better conditions for students and/or MAP members
• Helping with outreach or coordinating for the MAP Climate Ambassadors initiative
• Helping to organize a climate-related campaign or advocacy project in philosophy, such as the APA 2+1 Campaign or a Philosophers for Sustainability advocacy team
• Participating in a virtual Climate Hub by presenting, chairing, or offering organizational or technical support
• Something else that no one has thought of yet - MAP Climate Ambassadors must be members in good standing in both MAP and Philosophers for Sustainability. Both memberships are at no cost, and being a MAP Climate Ambassador meets the time commitment expected of Philosophers for Sustainability members.
The MAP Climate Ambassadors initiative is designed to address structural injustices in academic philosophy, remove barriers that impede participation in academic philosophy for members of marginalized groups, and shift philosophy and the world toward sustainable practices while also being sustainable, enjoyable, and career-building for its participants. We will keep the time commitment minimal, and we encourage Climate Ambassadors to list their MAP membership, Philosophers for Sustainability membership, Climate Ambassador role, and more particular event or project leadership roles on their CVs (when appropriate) so that their work is recognized.